Monday, August 07, 2006


Looking back
I totally regret the time wasted
Why did I not treasure the time spent together?
Now before I even know what has happened
We would soon be forgetting each other
And the memories we once shared

Would we still be as close as we once were?
Would everything change until there is no turning back?
Would we still goof around like we used to?

Memories flashing in my head
The fear that I would forget everything
The pain and joy we shared together
Would they be replaced by other stuff?
Would we eventually turn from friends to enemies?

The shirt that we created together
The song and logos and so many other stuff
Would they lie there untouched?
Or would we end up sharing in future about it?

Can we go back in time?
I promise that I would treasure every single moment
Just to be with my friends again
Just to see everyone smiling yet again

Reality hitting me where it hurts the most
Hoping reverently that we can still be friends
Never wanting anything to end
Trying my best to remember every single thing we shared together

Don’t want life to change
Want to be young again
Wish to go back to the year 2004
Laugh at everything we shared one last time
Just enjoying everyone’s company

In her shoes

A shoe
Simple in purpose, intricate in design
Easy to wear, hard to fill
Shoes are like individuals
Unique in motif and size

What would it be like in another’s shoe?
Would the feeling be the same?
Would there be stories from heaven
Or hell?

A thousand and one things can go wrong
When you’re in another’s shoe
Be it is design or size
An owner once selected should not change

So many lives destroyed because of shoes
So many people becoming what they are not
Individuals falling like flies
Trying to wear a shoe that’s not theirs

So just wear a shoe that’s just you
Become a person that’s just you
For in that way you would feel fine
Going to greater heights like never before


Sitting amongst a throng of people
Yet somehow I don’t feel I belong
But these are supposed to be familiar people
These are my family and friends
So why is there the feeling of my being ostracized?

Have never belonged anywhere
Not when the earth as my bed
And the sky as my blanket
It is nothing but simply a house

The chatter of people
The warm hugs given
They do not take away the feeling of sadness
But only elevate it

Tears are falling
Do not know why I am crying
No reason is given
But I won’t pretend everything’s okay

When would the sense of belonging hit me?
Where’s the place called home?
Is there anyone I can call family?
Is there something I crave a lot?

Questions never end
Elevated pain is the platform for more questions
Need to find answers
My brain is trapped in a never-ending record

Am not happy about things
Need someone to show me the way
All I want is someone who cares
Is that too much to ask for?

Yelling screaming banging
No one listens any longer
Can no longer breathe
Someone save
Just save